uniCenta oPOS Release 5.3.1
The main objective of this release is to remediate the 24 critical security vulnerabilities which we have discovered when running trivy and synk vulnerability scans. We've also included the output from the scans to show the issues resolved. On top of the security updates we've also managed to make some improvements and bug fixes.
Release notes - unicenta-opos - 5.3.1
UOCL-265 Spanish Translation
UOCL-277 Security Fix xmlgraphics library
UOCL-278 Security Fix jasperreports library
UOCL-279 Security Fix postgresql library
UOCL-280 Security Fix Apache Derby library
UOCL-281 Critical Security Fix com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream library
UOCL-282 Critical Security Spring Framework library
UOCL-246 Reprinting the last receipt not working correctly
UOCL-274 top 10 sales report not working
UOCL-283 ZATCA QR-code not printing