Release notes – unicenta-opos – Version 4.6.4


UOCL-216 Customer discount does not apply when assigned to ticket

UOCL-212 Investigate possible compatability issue with lates jre 1.8

UOCL-205 jButton1 appears on the voucher tab

UOCL-219 mvn build failure on mvn version 3.8.x


UOCL-218 Investigate / mitigate log4j vulnerability

UOCL-217 Print ZATCA QR-code on receipts

ZATCA QR-code Usage Instructions

  • Please take a backup of your Printer.Ticket just in case you have some custom settings there.
  • Once you have install 4.6.4 you will see the Printer.Ticket has been updates to include the following line:
    <!–<qr-code>${ticket.printQRCode(“header2”, “header3”, “VAT NO: “)}</qr-code>–>
  • Uncomment the above ^ line to enable this feature
  • This will print out the QR-Code based that the name will be in header line 2 and the vat number on line three with the label VAT NO:(Please take note there is a space between the : symbol and when the number begins e.g.the full line will look like this => VAT NO: 1234567890
  • As you can see from the method this is configurable just by specifying the header numbers from your uniCenta receipt configuration
    printQRCode(“header2”, “header3”, “VAT NO: “)
    ^name^  | ^vatNumber^|^vat number label or prefix^